Revitalise Your Fitness Journey: Harnessing the Power of Pilates for Motivation and Results

How To Stay Motivated In Your Studio Ash Classes 

Congratulations for becoming a part of the Studio Ash community, we are so excited to be a part of your health and wellbeing journey. 

Motivation is what got you here, and it will also be what pulls you away. Life can get busy, and your routine can be smooth sailing one week and non-existent the next. It is normal for life to have ebbs and flows, and our motivation follows this same pattern. When life gets busy, our health and wellbeing tends to be the first thing that takes a back seat, our daily movement, and nourishing meal options go down in the priority list. 

When motivation ebbs it is important to come back to your why, 

What is your main motivation for improving your health and wellbeing?

How do you feel after you have finished a Studio Ash class?

What could you do to re prioritise right now?

Find a routine that feels achievable and consistent - our weekly schedules are planned out for you to save time and remove the pressure of searching  for it. You can open the app, get started and be done within 20 minutes. Here are three ways to help improve your motivation to get started today:

Celebrate Your Growth

“Don’t be too busy focusing on the destination that you forget to enjoy the journey” 

At Studio Ash we encourage you to celebrate all your wins, no matter how big or small. Whether you share them with the community or within your circle of family or friends, you should be proud every day that you commit to your pilates practise. 

Try The 5 Minute Rule

On those days you feel low in motivation, tell yourself you will do 5 minutes of a class. Removing the pressure and showing yourself some compassion for your headspace helps with getting to the mat. We can almost guarantee that without fail, you will find your motivation and stay there!


Lean on your support network. Having someone or a few people that you can lean on that will give you the pep talk you need in those ebbs of motivation. Sharing our goals with others has a huge influence on how likely we are to commit to them. Our community is there to support you, whether it be a message to Ash for a quick boost of motivation or the rest of the community, we've got you, and you are most likely not alone!

It’s always important to check in with how you are really doing, and being mindful of our other important health pillars. 

Are you getting enough quality sleep? 

How have you been nourishing your body with food? 

Do you need a 24 hour digital detox?

Mindful movement is always encouraged at Studio Ash, be sure to check in and be really honest with yourself. 

There are lots of short and calming flow classes that will give you that dose of mindful movement to ease yourself in.

“If you only have 40% to give and you give 40%, you have actually given 100%.”


Elevate Your Fitness Journey with Pilates Classes and Workouts


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