
The exercises and information within Studio Ash Pilates classes are not intended as health care, diagnosis, or a substitute for consulting with your medical practitioner.

Every woman, and every pregnancy and postpartum experience is completely unique, and therefore it is your utmost responsibility to listen to your body. Please ensure your form is correct, and modify or stop when your body needs to. Modify by reducing the reps/sets when needed, and stop immediately if you experience any type of cramping, bleeding, pain, discomfort or dizziness.

And of course contact your doctor immediately if you ever experience spotting at any point during the classes, or outside of classes.

Although the workouts are split into categories, they are not specific to your own individual pre or post natal journey, so be mindful that these are not personalised to you.

Studio Ash Pilates offers no warranties or guarantees, expressed or implied, in the information contained in the workouts for your individual situation, and disclaim any liability arising from its use. It is essential that your medical practitioner approves you to exercise before beginning any of my classes.

Please consult your medical practitioner to determine if these classes and exercises are suitable for you.

If you have prolapse, umbilical hernia, symphysis pubic dysfunction, or any other specific issue or pain, I highly recommend seeking the guidance of a specialised pelvic floor or women's health physical therapist.

You are responsible for your own body, listen in and take action when you need to.