Supporting you in creating positive and healthy habits for life is at the forefront of everything I do at Studio Ash.

With a teaching style that is highly engaging, effective and enjoyable. Studio Ash is all about making movement accessible, realistic and enjoyable.

I’ve been a personal trainer working in strength and fitness since 2016. When I had my first baby in 2019 via an emergency c section I was shocked by the huge toll it took on my mind and my body.

I ended up on a journey to discover and learn about pregnancy and postnatal recovery and along this journey I discovered the lack of support for postnatal recovery and guidance, especially in terms of c section recovery and movement which inspired me to create Studio Ash. I have been hugely passionate about supporting women into and through motherhood, so that they can feel empowered, supported and have qualified guidance to regain full strength postnatally.

I went on to have my second baby Coco, 16 months later via an elective c section and subsequently took myself through my own postnatal recovery programme with incredible results and confidence. 

I am a passionate advocate for the benefits that movement provides to not only the body, but the mind and your overall wellbeing. I want to support all women in their health, strength and fitness journey, no matter what season you are in.

My method focuses on moving little and often, classes range from 10 - 45 minutes encouraging daily movement whenever, from wherever, with whoever you can. 

Supporting clients and members in creating positive and healthy habits for life is at the forefront of everything I do at Studio Ash. I am positive that movement will become a part of your weekly routine and a non negotiable in your lifestyle in no time.  Studio Ash Pilates is with you every step of the way to help you on your journey.


“You will feel better in ten sessions, look better in twenty sessions, and have a completely new body in thirty sessions.”

Joseph Pilates


Ash is a qualified Personal Trainer, Pre and Post Natal Coach, Mat and Reformer Pilates Teacher. 

With her combined experience of working in strength and conditioning,  training women going through pregnancy and postpartum, and teaching mat and reformer pilates, Ash has created a modern method to Pilates that is designed to have immediate impact on your body and mind.