6 Step Checklist To Begin Your Postpartum Strength Recovery And Rebuild

Postpartum Recovery

Postpartum is a time for restoration after growing, birthing and nurturing a new baby. We also enter a new chapter of adjustment, in rebuilding our bodies and entering this season of motherhood.

It is beautiful and heart warming yet challenging and exhausting. Becoming a mother is an experience like no other, changing our entire identity yet somehow bringing us home to where we are meant to be.

Postpartum Sleep…

Sleep is exactly what we need during this time, yet is our least consistent pillar of wellbeing, which can cause added fatigue and stress. The other pillars that support this restorative period are support from our village or community (have you checked out The Mum Club?!), a nourishing diet (take a look at our recovery recipes here), guidance from our healthcare providers and mindful postpartum movement.

The Fourth Trimester

Being gentle with ourselves and leaning on the support available is a reminder every new mother needs. We often prepare for pregnancy and birth, neglecting the aftercare, and feel less equipped for the 4th trimester. With differing advice and opinions it can become overwhelming.

In this feature, we will talk about where to begin your postpartum strength rebuild in a 6 step checklist, so that you can start to feel reassured, informed and empowered in your own individual postpartum strength rebuild.

The Postpartum Rebuild Checklist:

The ‘6 week check’

Planning ahead for your 6 week pelvic health check. We recommend booking this in from around 3 weeks postpartum, then you can relax knowing it is in your diary.

What to expect?

Generally this check includes an assessment of your body, from your diastasis recti, pelvic floor and any symptoms you may be experiencing. Your physiotherapist will hopefully give you the ‘green light’ to start moving your body, or will provide some advice and a plan to get you ready for the next step.

Self care

How are you really? We encourage you to avoid doing nothing for 6 weeks and then doing everything at 6 weeks. Depending on the type of birth you had, will determine how ready you are to move your body. Gentle breathing and pelvic floor connection methods can be used from home as soon as you feel ready. Post vaginal birth, when you feel ready, a gentle walk around the block being exposed to natural sunlight is amazing for recovery, both physically and mentally. After a c-section it will take a little longer to go outside for a walk, but starting with slow and steady walks around your home, focusing on your posture is a great place to start. A daily mental check in can really help during this time, whether it be a mental note each day, a few notes in a journal, some positive affirmations of a chat with friends and family.


Closer to your 6 week check, we recommend setting some personal guidelines for postpartum rebuild. Take 10 minutes to really think about what amount of time each week can you give to movement? Would you feel more energised moving in the morning? Allow flexibility around feeds/naps and your own sleep. Walking counts too! Would you feel more motivated and supported following a guided programme? Getting clear on these expectations will really help to set you up for a smooth and positive postpartum rebuild.

What is your main goal?

Getting clear on your goal or why. Whether it be to feel energised and strong each day, or to feel good for a specific event. We encourage that your goal always comes back to a way of feeling, rather than a way of looking.Feeling based goals feel more compassionate at this time, it doesn’t mean that the physical appearance of our body won’t change, because it wil,l but being mindful of the way we speak to ourselves and our bodies during this time has the power to create a more mindful, and positive experience that lasts way beyond the 4th trimester.

Choosing what programme to follow

Following a postpartum specific programme. Whether you were an elite athlete or a complete newbie to exercise, there is benefit for us all to go through a rebuild phase in our postpartum journey. Our body has been through a lot during pregnancy and birth, a postpartum specific programme is an ode to this chapter. With a specific focus on building your overall body strength and fitness whilst also considering, your postural re - alignment, pelvic floor recovery, healing abdominal separation and common aches and pains that come with this time.

The patience and time spent dedicated to this will only fast track your health and fitness for the years to come.


Research says that we are more likely to commit to a goal if we surround ourselves with people who are on the same mission as us. You don’t have to do this alone Mama.

*Please be mindful after a vaginal birth with intervention or post c-section surgery and always stop should you experience any pain or discomfort.

I am so excited for you to get started, and remember don’t get too caught up thinking about the destination that you forget to enjoy the journey.

You’ve got this Mama!


Ash x


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