Learn To Self Assess Your Diastasis Recti DRA (Ab Separation) From Home 

What is diastasis recti DRA or abdominal separation?

DRA is the natural separation of our abdominals during pregnancy. The abdominal muscles move aside to make more space for our baby, this is a gradual process during pregnancy, 100% of women will have a diastasis recti by the 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

The connective tissue that our abdominals connect to is called the linea alba, this stretches and thins as the gap becomes wider.

In the postpartum period our body goes through a natural healing process where the deep abdominals start to heal, knitting back together so that the linea alba (connective tissue) can restore its job of holding our internal organs in place, and absorbing force and pressure to our abdomen.

Most often, postpartum women will need specific exercises to encourage both the strengthening and closing of the width of the separation and also building up the depth of the muscle.

Being able to monitor your own progress by self assessing your diastasis recti from home, is a really empowering tool.

Having this knowledge made me feel so much more informed and in control of my own postpartum strength rebuild, and I hope it does for you too.

Checking your abdominal separation is best done weekly, to give your body enough time for both the natural healing process and your own dedicated core rebuild work to take effect.


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